Bottle Holders & Displays

We offer a wide selection of versatile bottle holders and displays, allowing you to highlight your liquors and wines while keeping them organized.

Speed Rails and Speed Racks

Speed rails are a durable and convenient way to store bottles in a bar setting, making it easy to maintain a tidy workplace while improving efficiency.

Keg Racks

We offer keg racks fit for holding several different capacities, making it easy to store kegs if your restaurant, bar, or pub serves beverages on tap.

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92 Products

Wine Racks and Shelves

We offer wine racks and shelves that feature different colors, materials, and finishes, ensuring that you can create the wine storage area that best fits your preferences.

Hanging Bar Glass Racks

Store wine, champagne, and cocktail glasses while conserving space in your workplace by shopping from our selection of hanging glass racks.

Organize your bar without sacrificing functionality by shopping from our selection of bar shelving products. Not only does a tidy bar look more appealing to guests, but it increases the efficiency of your staff. Furthermore, you can use shelving products to create intricate displays in your bar, highlighting different liquors and wines as you see fit.

Whether you operate a restaurant, bar, or pub, bar shelving products are an essential part of any business that serves alcohol. We offer a variety of easily installable speed rails, designed to give your staff easy access to your most popular liquor bottles. Furthermore, we carry several different keg racks and wine racks, making it easy to design storage areas that meets your needs.

Additional Resources

  • How to Run a Successful Bar